Yoga is a different physical workout than normal exercise. Asanas are very useful for maintaining good health. It is also related to the relation of meditation and inner conscience. It is defined as the holding of a pose or maintaining the body in a position for a period.
Type of Asanas :
Stretching posture: It should be done with care.They cleanse the nerves and provide relief from chronic diseases.
Pranayama Asana: This is done while breathing and exhaling, hence, these are known as Pranayama asanas, and this asana purifies the blood.
Asana, which requires force: in this type, some weight is lifted or force is required; This increases strength.
Asanas, which activate nerves: There are selective asanas, which are performed rapidly and repeatedly, which help to activate nerves, and also purify the body.
Depending on how the posture is performed,they are classified as follows:
Asana while standing
Sitting Asana
Reverse Asanas
Asanas as soon as they lie on the ground
Benefits of yoga:
This helps to keep the spine flexible.
It helps the body to cleanse the glands and remove harmful foreign particles from the body.
By doing the asana the blood vessels do not harden and the heart remains strong.
It helps to strengthen muscles and improve body composition.
It helps in the awakening of the Kundalini in the spinal column and refreshes the mind, and one becomes energetic.
It strengthens the digestive system by cleaning the intestines,stomach and other parts of the body.
Asana provides good health to both mind and body.
Key points while doing the Asanas :
It should be done in a quiet and peaceful place with proper hygiene. For meditation, the person may feel good by using the fragrance.
This should be done on a plain ground where a blanket or dari extends.
This should be done for a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes.
It should be left once a week; One can go swimming or walking instead of the posture.
The best time for posture is in the morning, but it can also be done in the evening.
Yoga asana should be done on an empty stomach, it can be done 4 to 5 hours after a meal or 2 hours after a light meal.
The asana should begin with prayer or meditation and end with Shavasana.
There should not be strong wind on the body while doing the asana.
One should cross-check while performing an asana properly. And asana should be done in proper order.
After doing the asana, one should rest for half an hour and then take a glass of milk and fruits.
Many paths of yoga
There is a physical foundation from hatha yoga in all yoga activities. This forms the basis for all other yoga and science. The many paths of yoga that have been carried out, combine foundational principles from Hatha Yoga. It is designed to purify and strengthen the body. Many yogis first become integral to hatha yoga, then as their body specializes in discipline, they move towards a more challenging and demanding style of yoga. They do this to awaken the mind and soul completely.
According to Hatha Yoga in Sanskrit, “ha” means sun while “tha” means moon. Also, the word “yoga” is meant to be a union of power. Hatha yoga is considered to be the more scientific path of yoga and includes a basic triad. This is to encourage the complete transformation of the body, as well as the mind; Furthermore, the words used for asana/mudra are asana, breath control, or pranayama; Then finally the technique of clearance or refinement.
Most yoga instructors and practitioners in other parts of the world can choose to modify Hatha yoga asanas to suit their different fitment levels. This method of modifying Hatha Yoga is not accepted by other yoga style purists. Asanas can be very simple. This can be as easy as lying on the floor, or it may involve twisting, as well as pulling. Once a student becomes accustomed to physical discipline, a new height of awareness will be attained through concentration and meditation. When yogis enter other forms of rigid yoga such as Bikram, Ashtanga, or Kundalini, they also use the principles of Hatha Yoga to move to other advanced stages in their new path.
Hatha yoga can be traced to a great extent, so that a restless mind can be controlled properly, stress can be reduced and enjoyment of peace can also be possible. Here are the eight paths
1. Yama: Pursuit of truth, ethics as well as personal conduct
2. Niyama: Fall of ego, satisfaction
3. Asana Fixed posture
4. Pranayama– Proper Breathing exercises for control of prana
5. Pratyahara: withdrawl of human senses
6. Dhyan: meditation
7. Dharna: Perfection
8. Samadhi: Experiencing the divine
Benefits of Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga can provide many benefits.This can have emotional, physical as well as mental benefits.
Physical improvements can be highlighted as
• help improves digestion
• strengthen the muscles
• Provides spine and joints flexibility
• Increase oxygen flow along with blood flow
• Offer better body balance and posture
As stated earlier, practicing Hatha Yoga also has an emotional impact on proper practice. Although they may differ, those who have practiced and are dedicated to discipline have made claims to experience:
• Stress Relief
• deep relaxation and good sleep
• Increased ability to concentrate completely
• consciousness and awareness
Precaution doing Asanas:
If someone is suffering from colitis, one should not do asana, in which the spine is bent.
If someone’s eyes are red, he should not head.
An asana should be stopped at the point when it is tired.
Women should not perform Siddhasana or Mayurasan.
If someone is suffering from heart diseases, he should do asana only after consulting a doctor.